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Mind Field Repatterning Certification Program
Syllabus and Clarification Points

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Class Syllabus:

  • Week One –  Class: 
    Approaching MFR from a higher perspective. Shifting from ‘problem/issue’ orientation to creative orchestration, experiencing divine guidance,
    removing blocks to the awareness of Love.  Healing happens through us, not from us; no one needs fixing. The healing power of true forgiveness; awakening. 

  • Week Two –  Class: 
    Efficient organizing of materials and sessions; opening to inspiration and a deepening in your receptivity to be guided by Presence in your sessions; being in the flow and feeling confident with what comes through; joining your client in a 'holy moment' of union and healing. 

  • Week Three- MFR Practitioner Q & A/Practice Skills

  • Week Four -   Class:                                                                                             Bridging a 'quantum perspective' with living in miracle-mindedness. Everything here is subject to change (this is the nature of creation) and miracles (what we had not considered possible; experiences that seem to break the laws of time/space) are happening all the time. How do we open our minds and hearts to living in Love with 'what is' instead of being driven by conscious/unconscious stories about it?  How do we use MFR as a powerful ally in healing the mind/opening one's heart (instead of missing the point of it and getting caught up in fervent attempts to manipulate outcomes)? 

  • Week Five – Class:                                                                                                  The Art of Soulful Communication - truly receiving another and being a conduit for the Divine (God, Spirit, Source, Love, etc.) to move through you in this union. Connecting at this level is joining with another in Presence and trusting the guidance coming through. 

  • Week Six - No Class or Sessions Held                 
    Week six is purposed to integrate the topics that have been shared to this point, and to facilitate live sessions. 
    Sessions must be facilitated in person, or directly on phone or online video connection. Practitioners are asked to record noteworthy observations and any questions that may arise during these sessions. Further details will be provided in class. There will be focus on sharing these during our MFR Q & A/Practice Sessions and through our Facebook Group dialogues.

  • Week Seven – MFR Practitioner Q & A/Practice Skills

  • Week Eight - Class:                                                                                            Healing Power of Love - Heart Centered Sessions.  Mind Field Repatterning is designed to be 'mind-blowing'. Once limiting beliefs and patterns collapse, a stronger connection with one's natural state of love arises organically. As a MFR Practitioner becomes more adept at joining in Presence, their clients will move through shifts with greater ease and grace. No force, no effort is needed.                                                                         

  • Week Nine - No Class or Sessions Held                                                  Week nine is purposed to integrate the topics that have been shared to this point, and to facilitate live sessions.  Sessions must be facilitated in person, or directly on phone or online video connection. Practitioners are asked to record noteworthy observations and any questions that may arise during these sessions. Further details will be provided in class. There will be focus on sharing these during our MFR Q & A/Practice Sessions and through our Facebook Group dialogues.  

  • Week 10 - MFR Practitioner Q & A/Practice Skills 
    Week 11 - Class:                                                                                                      Getting your practice up and going:  how to let people know what you are offering; establishing fees; personal and group sessions discussed; creative 'fluid' business planning and ideas on how to integrate MFR with other modalities you may be offering. 

  • Week Twelve - MFR Practitioner Q & A/ 'Wrap Up'           
    Wrapping it all up with a cohesive bow!  Interactive student participation with Q & A, insights, inspiration, and suggestions will be shared.      
                                                                              The beginning...

A Few Clarification Points:

  • Successful completion of Mind Field Repatterning Level 1 qualifies the student as a practitioner, having learned the foundations of this system and developed basic MFR skills.

  • MFR Levels 2 and 3 further build the practitioners’ skills while offering an expanded variety of applications.

  • Mind Field Repatterning Certification Program is focused on deepening the practitioner’s understanding of the principles that are foundational to MFR.  A whole new field of possibilities in healing and creating positive shifts is made accessible.

  • Mind Field Repatterning focuses on healing the mind. As we heal the mind, we collapse our false identity (ego) and awaken heart intelligence. We remember Love, our natural state.  

  • MFR Certification Program also supports practitioners in gaining greater confidence in their work as well as growing a successful practice.

  • Where MFR Levels 1, 2, 3 Courses introduce a wide variety of proprietary charts and materials focused on building skills, Mind Field Repatterning Certification Program brings the work into an even more cohesive practice.  There will be few, if any new charts supplied. 

  • As practitioners of the Healing Arts, it is easy to get caught up in seeing clients or ourselves as needing ‘fixing’ or ‘healing’. This is always a limiting perception (sourced from one’s ‘conditioned’ ego mind). Session results from this perspective will be limited (even when there seems to be a shift). In Mind Field Repatterning Certification Program, we will be integrating ideas that support true healing. 

All healing occurs on the level of mind.  When we release ourselves and others from the belief that we know what is best, we serve as willing conduits for Presence (Love, the Divine, God, Source) to move through, directing the flow and outcome for the highest good of our client, and for All.  Surrendering ourselves to Divine guidance is taken to a new level of experience in this program.  Getting ourselves ‘out of the way’ to be divinely directed, the field of all possibilities (Miracles) is accessible.  I can promise you this… the more we are aligned with this level of dedicated awareness, the more graceful and joyful does life become.  We never heal alone.  We are One. 

Register Here :

  • Enrollment Fee $599

  • (Option: Two payments of $300.00 each can be arranged. Contact me through email to arrange this.)

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