Upcoming Mind Field Repatterning Special Classes

All Mind Field Repatterning theme classes are designed to take participants through a
journey of transformation, integrating expansive ideas and potent clearings.
Enjoy streaming this archived Mind Field Repatterning Class and get yourself up & going to better
participate in 'MFR Special Classes' offered
FREE - Get Up & Going with Mind Field Repatterning Basics
Click Here to stream recorded Class
Join us for a dive into the magic of Mind Field Repatterning. Don't miss this opportunity... I am happy to be taking you through the powerful 'quantum mechanics meets ancient arts' flow of 'MFR'. Purpose drives outcome. The purpose of Mind Field Repatterning is to collapse illusory patterns and unconscious beliefs that are core to limitation in any and all areas of life... to serve in healing the mind, opening your heart and connecting with your natural state, the unlimited, creative One Self.
Check Out Our Next Special Class:
Monday February 24th
Healed, Whole Relationship... Connecting through Authentic Self
You are in relationship with all of life. This is the nature of creation... nothing is separate (except in your imagination). Everything reflects back to us love or our seeking for it. Wouldn't it be freeing to meet each person, each experience... fully in the moment (without the clutter of interpretations from the conditioned mind)?
This is not just a class about how to find your perfect mate or heal relationships with family members, or connect more deeply with your children or parents...
but it does offer a way to do so.
Imagine what it would be like to embrace relationship, all of your relationships with a renewed sense of excitement, joy, love, 'aliveness'! We can't truly connect with one another on the level of personality to personality (that's just 'surface dancing'). True intimacy or 'in-to-me-see' requires a developed connection and alignment with higher self awareness, tapped into our authentic self.
Included with this Course:
Link to Access Live Interactive Presentation
Access Healthy Relationship recording
Mind Field Proprietary Charts
Questions answered through email contact with Erina
We are here to support you
Save Your Seat Today
Healthy Relationship, Connecting through Authentic Self
Enrollment $69 USD

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Shift from Ordinary to Extraordinary Living
Tap into Your Natural State of Infinite Creative Potential
Expand your perspective on relationship between self and others
- Feel lighter and brighter with greater Self-awareness
- Recognize and release limiting conditioned patterns... heal family relations
- Enjoy relationships without the limitations of unconscious stories that iinhibit true connection